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Don't Say This-Say This?

Listen up men- especially the ones who have inadvertently called a female 'fat' by saying the wrong answer (btw- always say it looks great- be safe). Real Simple magazine wants to give us some advice on how to say things.

Don't say: "You look tired."
Why: It implies she doesn't look good.
Instead say: "Is everything OK?" We often blurt the "tired" comment when we get the sense that the other person feels out of sorts. So just ask.

Don't say: "Wow, you've lost a ton of weight!"
Why: To a newly trim person, it might give the impression that she used to look unattractive.
Instead say: "You look fantastic." And leave it at that. If you're curious about how she got so svelte, add, "What's your secret?"

Don't say:: "You look so good for your age."
Why: Anything with a caveat like this is rude. It's saying, "You look great -- compared with other old people. It's amazing you have all your own teeth."
Instead say:"You look great." Real Simple: Easy ways to exit awkward situations

Don't say: "I could never wear that."
Why: It can be misunderstood as a criticism. ("I could never wear that because it's so ugly.")
Instead say: "You look so good in skinny jeans." If you slip, say something like "I could never wear that...because I wasn't blessed with your long legs."
Expert: Clinton Kelly, cohost of the TLC show, "What Not to Wear."

What not to say during a job interview

Don't say: "My current boss is horrendous."
Why: It's unprofessional. Your interviewer might wonder when you'd start bad-mouthing her. For all you know, she and your current boss are old pals.
Instead say: "I'm ready for a new challenge" or a similarly positive remark.

What not to say about pregnancy and babies

Don't say: "Are you pregnant?"
Why: You ask, she's not, and you feel totally embarrassed for essentially pointing out that she's overweight.
Instead say: "Hello" or "Great to see you" or "You look great." Anything besides "Are you pregnant?" or "What's the due date?" will do. Save yourself the humiliation and never ask.

What not to say to a single (or newly single) person

Don't say: "You were too good for him."
Why: You are basically saying she has bad taste. And you'll be embarrassed if they ever patch it up.
Instead say: "His loss!" It gets the same point across without disparaging her judgment. Real Simple: How to express sympathy

Don't say: "I'm glad you got rid of him. I never liked him anyway."
Why: She'll wonder about your fake adoration for him while they were together.
Instead say: "I'm confident you'll find someone who will give you exactly what you want." It focuses on what's to come, not on the dud you're glad she's done with.

What not to say during a fight with your beloved

Don't say: "You always" or "You never" or "You're a [slob, jerk]" or "You're wrong."
Why: Speaking in absolutes like "you always" and "you're wrong" is playing the blame game, and resorting to name calling makes your partner feel helpless, which puts him on the defensive and makes a bad fight worse.
Instead say: "I'm upset that you left the dishes in the sink again. What can we do so that this stops happening?" Starting with the pronoun I puts the focus on how you feel, not why he's in the doghouse, and it will make him more receptive to fixing the problem.

Don't say: "If you really loved me, you would..."
Why: The more you treat your partner as if he'll never satisfy you, the less satisfied you'll be. Controlling your partner by imploring him to do something isn't a good way to build intimacy.
Instead say: "I feel taken for granted when you don't help around the house. I would feel better if we could..." The best way to keep a productive fight from becoming a dirty one is to be clear about why you're upset and then offer a solution.

Real Simple Mag.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the advice!

Anonymous said...

It's hard to come by knowledgeable people in this particular topic, but you seem like you know what you're talking about!


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