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In the News, June 1st, 2008

New research says we are stuck with the number of fat cells that we have as adults.

Researchers have known that people gain and lose weight at least in part by changing how much fat is in their fat cells. The new finding is particularly important for obese people, who the researchers say can have twice as many fat cells as their lean counterparts.

The finding suggests that obesity in adulthood is at least partly determined by diet and exercise in childhood.The number of fat cells that you have as an adult is the number of fat cells you have acquired by about age 20 .

The research was conducted at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore, Calif., explained how his team used this marker to make their discovery.

The tightly regulated number of fat cells in adulthood may explain why it seems easy to gain back lost weight. If you already have more fat cells from adolescence than other people, "it's harder to become .

The findings, detailed in the May 4 online issue of the journal Nature, suggest that the focus for controlling obesity should be on children.

Attention Safari users.
Microsoft is warning that a previously disclosed flaw in Apple's Safari browser could have dire consequences for Windows users.
The Safari bug, allows attackers to litter a victim's desktop with executable files, an attack known as "carpet bombing."

It turns out that if this flaw is exploited in combination with a second unpatched bug in Internet Explorer, attackers can run unauthorized software on a victim's computer.
New From Mars


New images received from the Phoenix lander largely convinced scientists that the spacecraft's thrusters had uncovered a large patch of ice just below the Martian surface, team members said.

That bodes well for the mission's main goal of digging for ice that can be tested for evidence of organic compounds that are the chemical building blocks of life.
The ground beneath the lander suggested that the vehicle was resting on splotches of ice.

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